Simple Aerial Yoga for Office Back Pain
Photography by: Wari Om Yoga Photography
A standard working environment in the past decade (especially 2020) means one thing: Sitting for hours on end in front of your desk or computer. Whether you go to an office, get work done from home, or opt for cafes and co-working spaces, you’re probably not moving that much during the day, and often maintaining postures that are not favorable for your spine.
Most of the time, focusing on obtaining the results you need from working hours, ignores an important factor that plays a vital part in our overall well-being: Spinal Health. When the majority of the day is spent sitting down, back pain arises due to stiffness and tension. Even holding a phone in between your ear and shoulder for a long period, opens up the possibility of creating tension in your spine.
Back Pain at Work
It is common to develop lower backache from poor posture, low physical activity, or non-ergonomic office spaces.
Incorrect sitting is one of the main causes for developing back pain. What happens is: as you lean in too close to your computer, slouch, or sit at the edge of your chair, you stretch spinal ligaments too much and stress spinal discs. Non-mobility for long periods without a stretch or a little walk in between is one more influence into unwanted aches. Putting yourself in sedentary habits can compress the intervertebral discs, putting pressure on nerves and even causing numbness at times.
This is why to reduce back pain it's to not only have the best ergonomic chairs but to make sure we implement a routine of healthy habits that promote the release of tension and mindful well-being to improve both our resting and productive time.
Aerial Yoga for the Spine
Investing high amounts of time in our careers or jobs still allows for spinal health, when balanced with regular practices for Spine Decompression. A simple and easy way to do this anywhere and anytime is Aerial Yoga. How can this reduce your back pain? One of the main benefits of this discipline is taking pressure off your nerves and other structures, which leads to the movement of oxygen, water, and nutrient-rich fluids into the disks so they can heal.
If you’re thinking “Oh, aerial yoga sounds quite difficult to do” trust us, it’s not. Aerial yoga classes are abundant, and as long as you’re practicing with a certified instructor, you will be safe and find the benefits you’re looking for. If taking the time to join a class is not for you, take for example the FlyHighYoga® Belt, which you can hang from any solid structure, watch a quick “How-To” tutorial on a basic inversion asana (upside-down pose) and practice for about 10 to 15 min a day. This will align your posture and at the same time soften the myofascial connective tissue, which releases blockages we store in our bodies.
Improving your back is one of the benefits, yes. But don’t forget at the same time as you take this practice into your everyday life, that you’re also strengthening your muscles and promoting a mindful state through active relaxation. Combining the three essential events of heath. Mind, Body, and Spirit.