Tutorials to get started
Flying is easy with the FlyHighYoga belt once you know the basics. These basic tutorials will help you get flying in no time.
FlyHighYoga: The Basics
So, your belt has arrived. You’ve installed it in the perfect location. You’re ready to fly, you’re ready to get started on your FlyHighYoga journey… but where should you start? How do you even get in the thing? Well, we’ve got you covered. Take a look below for a few videos we have prepared to help you get moving in the right direction.
What you need to get started:
1. A Fly High Yoga Belt If you already have your belt make sure it’s installed in a secure place. If you don’t get one at the link below.
2. Safe Place to Install Your Belt Whether you are installing it hanging outdoors from a tree or in a door frame in your apartment always make sure that the installation location is safe and sturdy.

Free Tutorials to get started
Tutorial 1:
Forward Entry
This is a basic tutorial on forward entry for the FlyHighYoga aerial yoga belt. Learn the basics of FlyHighYoga with our founder José Luis Jiménez
Tutorial 2:
Backward Entry
This basic tutorial covers backward entry into the FlyHighYoga aerial yoga belt.Learn the basics of FlyHighYoga with our founder José Luis Jiménez.
Tutorial 3:
Badha Konasana
A basic tutorial of Baddha Koṇasana with feet on belt with the FlyHighYoga aerial yoga belt. Learn the basics of FlyHighYoga with our founder José Luis Jiménez.
BONUS: Baddha Konasana Variation 2
This basic tutorial covers a second variation of the Baddha Konasana with feet on belt with the FlyHighYoga aerial yoga belt.

You want to deepen your knowledge?
Join our FlyHighYoga Online Community & get access to all videos & tutorials.
Have any questions?
For questions about the belt, upcoming trainings, or our community, please contact us: contact@flyhighyoga.com